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9 Tips For Camping With Your Dog

Camping could quite literally be your dog’s happiest place. Rolling, digging, and smelling all there is to smell in the great outdoors beside their best friend -You! And now that summer is among us, our family at PetArmor® thought it may be useful to provide all our outdoorsy people and pups with a few tips when camping with their pets.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. As when traveling to hotels or resorts with your pets, it’s good to be familiar with where you are going and what the rules are.

Is the campsite pet friendly?

What are the rules and restrictions?

Are there places dogs can’t go?

Is there a pool area or showers?

  1. Do NOT let dogs drink standing water. If you bring bottled water for you, make sure to bring enough for your dog as well.
  2. Keep us on our regular diets. S’mores and other campfire favorites should not be shared with your companion.
  3. Keep pets on a leash to keep them from following a scent and wandering off! And be sure not to leave them unattended.

Before leaving for the campsite, make sure your pet's ID tag with your cell phone number is on them. In the situation they do get loose or lost, that information is important to get them back to you safely.

  1. Bring along necessary items, like medications, poop bags, toys, and a blanket or bed.
  2. Regularly check their fur, skin, paws, and ears regularly for bugs, burrs, foxtails, cuts, or hotspots.

Be sure to pack your PetArmor® flea & tick protection as well!

PetArmor® flea & tick protection
  1. BEFORE you go, ask your vet about regional health issues that may be of concern and what precautions, vaccinations, or medications are recommended, like the Lyme disease vaccination or heartworm medication.
  2. Dogs may not understand the danger of open flames or hot coals of a dying campfire, so keep them safe. Also, when cooking outdoors, remember the cooking utensils may also be very hot, so be sure to keep them away from those too.
  3. If you are crossing state lines in your travels, be sure to check current pet travel regulations in all states you enter. Some states require pets to be secured in cars with a harness or crate. Others may require health records. And some cities have breed-specific legislation in place, meaning specific breeds are banned from entering that city, and if they are found within city limits, they can be confiscated.

We hope you enjoy your camping experience with your four-legged adventure buddy. Make sure to go prepared with any and all flea & tick protection by browsing the line of our products on